Recharge days. Do you ever allow yourself one of those? Maybe a few of those in a row? Today was one of those days for me.
It’s been a lot. Actually it’s been too much. The world is up in arms and, yeah, I think, rightfully so. There is a lot to be angry about. We haven’t even tipped the iceberg with half of the things to be upset over, however, today I chose not to be angry. I decided I was going to fill my heart up and have a day with very little screen time. Turns out, I had a great fucking day. I interacted with people I didn’t know and whenever I smiled at someone, I got a smile in return. “How peculiar,” I thought, “so many other people smiling back at me despite the chaos.” “But,” I thought again, “maybe they’re having a great fucking day too.”
I really started to think about this. People are out and about having good days. Today, the real world outside of Instagram and Facebook seemed much lighter and friendlier. What if all we ever did was pay attention to social media and the news? Would we ever stop to smile and acknowledge the good days happening right in front of us? All of the focus on trying to make changes and what others should or shouldn’t do from behind a keyboard is taking away from the actual “doing”.
I think the current state of affairs in the world is a movement towards a greater enlightenment. People stopping to smell the roses I guess you could say. The age old flaws of society are being ripped open and bled dry before our eyes. Not just in regards to unjust racial topics, but with basic humanity issues as a whole. My only hope is that we the people can continue into our futures with open minds, open hearts and a lot less judgment of ourselves and others.
It’s cliche, but we need to be the change we wish to see. The actual tangible change. The change we can actually experience. Take a step outside and smile at someone. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Smile at yourself too. Then, go have yourself a great fucking day.
I, too, decided that I was not going to turn on the news or listen to talk radio today. I feel the need to reboot and breath for a few days. I here you Nik. Great writing!!! Tonight, I will chill with my husband sipping a couple of cocktails sitting by the fire pit. Have a nice night.
I hope you enjoyed it Carl!
I am right there with you Nikki. We are surrounded by hope and joy we only need notice. I will enjoy having you as my niece.